Palin's Churches and the Third Wave
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 12:38:30 AM EST
This post documents the extensive involvement of several of Sarah Palin's churches in the Third Wave Movement, also known as the New Apostolic Reformation, Joel's Army, and Manifest Sons of God.  Journalists, bloggers, and others who wish to make use of this information are advised to read the preceding post, Part One, in order to understand this movement in context of its history and theology. This movement is cross-denominational and there is no specific denomination that completely embraces it.  It has been condemned by the General Council of the Assemblies of God since 1949.  Please read the background information first if you do not have previous knowledge about the Third Wave Movement and an understanding of its relationship to Pentecostalism, Fundamentalism, and the larger body of Evangelicalism.

Again, if you are not familiar with the Third Wave, please take time to read this summary in Part One.  However, if you are someone who can readily identify Todd Bentley, and know why he is in trouble, you have passed the test. Continue reading.

[Below: Bruce Wilson video documentary on Sarah Palin's churches. Part 1 - Wasilla Assembly of God. Documentation for all of the footage used in the video can be found at the end of the article at]